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Hamdan Clubfoot (HCF)

Where Every Step Counts!

Unlock the potential for every child with clubfoot to live a vibrant life through Ponseti treatment—a proven path to normalcy.

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Ponseti Treatment Unleashes Potential

Clubfoot is treatable! The Ponseti method corrects deformities, allowing kids to run, play, and thrive like their peers. At HCF, we use the 3-stage Ponseti method as our first line of treatment for clubfoot, which involves stretching, casting and bracing. A proven approach to correcting clubfoot, research has shown the Ponseti method is 95% effective when used properly.

about foundation

HCF's Impactful Approach

Shoe Inventory Management: Accessible Iowa shoes rotated cost-effectively for effective bracing.
Parents Advocacy: Empowering families with shared experiences and guidance.
Nationwide Ponseti Specialists: Collaborating with expert doctors, ensuring quality care nationwide.
HCF: Leading the Way in Clubfoot Treatment As the leading organization in clubfoot treatment, HCF's role begins where doctors' end. We bridge the gap, providing ongoing support and resources for families. Our mission goes beyond correction; we empower lives, one step at a time!

need your help

How Can You help?

Spread Awareness

• Share our mission and resources on social media platforms to increase awareness about clubfoot.
• Organize awareness events in your local community, schools, or workplaces to educate others about clubfoot and its challenges.


• Contribute to our cause financially to support the provision of treatment, shoes, socks, and guidance for families facing clubfoot challenges.
• Explore fundraising opportunities and initiatives to help raise funds for the foundation.

Become a Volunteer

• Offer your time and skills to become a valuable volunteer, assisting with awareness campaigns, events, or administrative tasks.
• Share your expertise, whether in healthcare, communication, or other relevant fields, to enhance the impact of our foundation.