Our Mission

"Hamdan Clubfoot Foundation is dedicated to empowering parents and caregivers of children with clubfoot by providing vital support in awareness, treatment, and essential resources. Our mission is to ensure that every family facing the challenges of clubfoot receives the education, treatment, and compassionate guidance needed for their child's journey to a healthier, happier life. Through advocacy, awareness campaigns, and collaborative partnerships, we strive to create a world where every child born with clubfoot has access to the necessary treatment, proper footwear, supportive socks, and the guidance needed for a brighter future."

Our Vision

Global Awareness: Foster worldwide understanding of clubfoot and its challenges, aiming for increased awareness and empathy within communities.

Accessible Treatment: Strive for universal access to effective clubfoot treatment, ensuring that every child has the opportunity for a successful outcome.

Empowerment through Education: Empower parents and caregivers with knowledge and resources, enabling them to make informed decisions and actively participate in their child's treatment journey.

Quality Footwear Solutions: Advocate for and provide access to high-quality orthopedic shoes and supportive socks to enhance the mobility and comfort of children with clubfoot.

Guidance and Support: Establish a compassionate support network offering guidance and emotional support to parents, fostering a community that shares experiences and triumphs over the challenges of clubfoot.

Collaboration and Innovation: Collaborate with healthcare professionals, organizations, and researchers to advance treatment options, innovate solutions, and continuously improve the landscape of clubfoot care.

Inclusive Future: Envision a future where clubfoot is universally recognized and addressed, eliminating barriers and ensuring that every child has the opportunity to lead a fulfilling and unrestricted life

Our Values

Compassion: Approach every family with empathy, understanding the unique challenges they face, and providing support with kindness and care.

Inclusivity: Foster an inclusive community that embraces diversity, recognizing that each child and family impacted by clubfoot has a unique journey.

Empowerment: Empower parents and caregivers by providing them with the knowledge, tools, and resources necessary to actively participate in their child's treatment and care.

Advocacy: Advocate for the rights and accessibility of individuals with clubfoot, working towards eliminating barriers and promoting equal opportunities for all.

Collaboration: Foster collaborative relationships with healthcare professionals, organizations, and communities to create a unified front in addressing the challenges of clubfoot.

Innovation: Embrace innovation in treatment options, awareness campaigns, and support services, constantly seeking to improve and adapt to the evolving needs of those affected by clubfoot.

Integrity: Uphold the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in all interactions, ensuring the trust and confidence of the families and communities we serve.

Hope: Cultivate a sense of hope by celebrating successes, acknowledging progress, and inspiring optimism for a brighter future for children with clubfoot and their families.

need your help

How Can You help?

Spread Awareness

• Share our mission and resources on social media platforms to increase awareness about clubfoot.
• Organize awareness events in your local community, schools, or workplaces to educate others about clubfoot and its challenges.


• Contribute to our cause financially to support the provision of treatment, shoes, socks, and guidance for families facing clubfoot challenges.
• Explore fundraising opportunities and initiatives to help raise funds for the foundation.

Become a Volunteer

• Offer your time and skills to become a valuable volunteer, assisting with awareness campaigns, events, or administrative tasks.
• Share your expertise, whether in healthcare, communication, or other relevant fields, to enhance the impact of our foundation.